RG2E Featured Author Angela Brown chats about “Embracing the Chase of Building Your Indie Ebook Library”

I’m thrilled to introduce all of you superfab RG2E Peeps to an author who has the most A-mazing energy around.

Give a big ol’ RG2E First-Timer Welcome to Featured Author Angela Brown, who’s all about “the creme de la chase” of Indie Ebooks…

Angela B 2012 Ferrell Photography (1)

If you haven’t noticed yet (holding your head in the sand like an ostrich is not a good excuse lol!), the world of e-publishing is doing a bit of “busting at the seams”. Writers are scrambling to put their shiny, awesome, never-been-written-about-before story ideas into a manuscript format then share it with the world with all the other never-been-written-about-before stories. From self-publishing e-guides to spiritual guidance novels, stories are cropping up from Amazon, B&N, Smashwords and more by leaps and bounds.

What the dickens is a reader to do?

This is YOUR time, readers. If this were the housing market, it would be a buyer’s market. From the established old Victorian down the road (traditional publishing) to that cute, new beauty just built in the subdivision down the way (self-publishing), books are being written to satisfy every taste.

But let’s be honest, is it easy to find that crème de la crème? My first experience with an indie author was a dud. Plain whitewash boring cover, plain title and the writing left me, well, speechless. Not in a good way. The caveat here is that I got the book as part of a loosely formed book club that disbanded within a few months of forming lol! I was appalled the writer even chose to share the story with the world. I could very easily have let that color my opinion of all indie published books. But how could I when I could also find some pretty poorly written novels pushed out by a larger publishing company?

So I’ve learned to…

Embrace the chase 🙂

I’ve come to LURVE indie books because there really are a lot of different ways to tell a similar story. And I’ve found many stories are indie published, not because of rejection from the traditional route, but because the writers had their own vision for cover design and storytelling. It shines through their unique voices. It isn’t just the industry filling with great stories. So is my e-library. I am officially “winner” status and I get to do so without breaking the bank.

And I’d love to say that price is the perfect indicator, but I’ve found some bargain $.99 books that had me turning the pages like a mad woman and a $6.99 book leaving me wanting. I’m finding so many stories I wouldn’t have discovered if I let that first experience shadow my judgment.

Enjoy your crème de la chase and build an e-book library that will keep you reading for days and weeks on end.

Starting with my FREE for the day, YA Paranormal…


Neverlove – For Abigail and Basil, there is a choice they both fear making.  Duty or love?  There can be only one.

For seventeen-year-old Abigail, one rash decision leads to an unexpected chance for redemption. At V’Salicus Academy, a unique institute where she trains to become an agent of heaven, she struggles with the pain of her past, the changes of the present and accepts a loveless future until her path – and heart – crosses with Basil’s.

Basil’s off-chance slip of the tongue binds him to a life of servitude to the Devourer, the master of hell. His existence has no upside until a chance meeting with Abigail brings new perspective.

Keeping the truth of their present lives from each other brings disaster when secrets are brought to light and the life of Abigail’s mentor is put on the line.

Can Abigail and Basil save her mentor and salvage their love amid the chaos? Or will they lose it all, destined forever to NEVERLOVE?

Buy links: Amazon.com, Amazon.fr, Amazon.de, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon paperback, (tiny url for paperback – http://tiny.cc/9enfnw)

Book trailer:

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15843604-neverlove

About Angela:

Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home.

Reading and writing have been lifelong passions. It was around the time she gave birth to her forever-love, nicknamed Chipmunk, that she really took writing seriously. After all, how could she teach her child to follow her dreams if she hadn’t tried herself?

As a YA fantasy/sci-fi reader and author, she favors the magical, mysterious, the darker side of life…even harbors a secret fright for things that go bump in the night.

NEVERLOVE is a special project spawned from a blog-challenge-turned-blog-opera, the Abby and Basil affair. It is the first in the Shadow Jumpers series.

Connect with Angela here:

Goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6476148.Angela_Brown

Angela Brown in the Pursuit of Publishness blog: http://publishness.blogspot.com/

Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Angela-Brown/e/B009JJEX60

Partners in ParanormYA (with Gwen Gardner): http://partnersinparanormya.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/neostateofmind

PIP Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Partners-in-ParanormYA/462052430493091


I’m embracing the chase right along with ya, Angela! I’ve got almost 700 Ebooks on my Kindle, and still one-click-buying like a crazy chick!!! 🙂

Thanks bunches for your fab post today and for the terrific FREE Ebook too!!! U rock!!!

The Best of RG2E Reading Wishes — D. D. Scott, RG2E Founder


6 thoughts on “RG2E Featured Author Angela Brown chats about “Embracing the Chase of Building Your Indie Ebook Library”

  1. Great post! I’ve found some wonderful indie writers that I just can’t get enough of. Of course I’ve seen some that should never see the light of day, but like you said, I’ve seen my share of bad ones from the big guys as well. I love reading, so I enjoy the “chase” of finding the best ones. 🙂

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