RG2E Featured Author Kristine Cayne Interviews Her Characters

Happy Monday, RG2E Peeps!

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Here’s a superfab fun interview RG2E Featured Author Kristine Cayne did with two of her characters.

Take it away, Kristine…

Hello Everyone! I’m excited to be here with you today at the RG2E. It’s such a great place for readers and authors to connect. It’s also a great place to let you meet two of my favorite characters!

I have the pleasure of sharing with you and interview I did with Rémi Whitedeer and Alyssa Morgan, the hero and heroine of Deadly Addiction, the latest book in my Deadly Vices romantic suspense series. Rémi and Alyssa were unusually candid in responding to my questions, and I think you will enjoy this unique view into their world.

A proud people. A nation divided.

Rémi Whitedeer, police officer turned substance-abuse counselor, dreams of restoring order to his tribe. Violence and crime are rampant throughout the unpoliced Iroquois reserve, and a civil war is brewing between the Guardians, a militant traditionalist group, and other tribal factions. As the mixed-race cousin of the Guardians’ leader, Rémi is caught in a no-man’s land—several groups lay claim to him, but all want him to deny his white blood.

A maverick cop on an anti-drug crusade.

When she infiltrated the Vipers to take down the leader of the outlaw biker gang responsible for her brother’s death, police sergeant Alyssa Morgan got her man. But her superiors think she went too far. Her disregard for protocol and her ends-justify-the-means ethics have branded her an unreliable maverick. To salvage her career, she accepts an assignment to set up a squad of native provincial officers on a reserve.

A radical sovereigntist bent on freeing a nation.

Decades of government oppression threaten the existence of the Iroquois Nation. But one man, Chaz Whitedeer, is determined to save his people no matter what the price, even if it means delving into the shadowy world of organized crime.

When Rémi and Alyssa uncover the Guardians’ drug-fueled scheme to fund their fight for true autonomy—a scheme involving the Vipers—Rémi must choose between loyalty to family and tribe or his growing love for Alyssa.

Can Rémi and Alyssa leave everything behind—even their very identities—for a future together?

KC: What is your guilty pleasure?

Rémi: Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” – “Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans” – I can’t stop singing it!

Alyssa: [laughs] I love the Sang-Froid sloches from the dépanneur.

Rémi: That’s cause you’re ice-cold, baby.

Alyssa: Stop! Now I’m thinking about Vanilla Ice.

Rémi: [singing] Ice, ice baby. All right stop, collaborate and listen!

Alyssa: [covers ears] Please, I beg you.

KC: If this book was made into a movie, who would play you?

Rémi: I don’t know who’d play me, but Katherine Heigl could play Alyssa.

Alyssa: You really think so? I’m flattered. As for you, Adam Beach, back when he was in Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale.

KC: What movie title best describes your sex life?

Rémi: Goin’ South [winks]

Alyssa: Goldfinger [laughs]

KC: What’s your motto?

Rémi: All for one, one for all.

Alyssa: It’s my way or the highway.

Rémi: [shakes head] It always is, sweetheart. It always is. [turns to interviewer, winks and whispers]: I just let her *think* that.

KC: What drew you to your partner?

Rémi: [turns to Alyssa] I know you want me to say it was the intelligence shining in your eyes, sweetheart, but I gotta be honest here. You were all bent over, clutching that box, and I had a clear view of your… um… beauteous bounty. And then when you turned around, I saw your ah… other assets. All I could think was “I want to do her. Now.”

Alyssa: [smiles innocently]

Rémi: What?

Alyssa: Did you think I was waxing poetic about your IQ? I was just trying not to drool!

KC: What’s your favorite food?

Rémi: Iroquois corn soup

Alyssa: Strawberry drink

KC: What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage?

Rémi: [turns to Alyssa and smiles] I bet yours is sangria.

Alyssa: [turns green] After Nic and Lauren’s party, never again!

KC: Tell me one thing about you that your friends don’t know.

Rémi: My male friends don’t know about a certain “technique” the ladies have named after me.

Alyssa: [fans herself] And they’d better never find out! As for me, there’s nothing my friends don’t know about me.

Rémi: Oh yeah? Do your friends know about that sexy lingerie you wear under your uniform?

Alyssa: [blushes] Well, now they do!

KC: What’s your favorite movie?

Rémi: Die Hard [big grin]

Alyssa: Anything Star Wars.

Rémi: Model yourself after Han Solo, do you? A bit of a rogue, not too good with the rules…

Alyssa: [raises eyebrow] That’s why you’re here, Yoda.

KC: What’s your favorite band?

Rémi: Jasper

Alyssa: What, not Wham!?

Rémi: [singing] Wake me up before you go go, don’t leave me hanging on like a yo-yo…

Alyssa: [slaps hands over her ears] Please God, make it stop!

KC: What’s your partner’s best quality?

Rémi: She’s willing to make tough decisions and judgment calls that would have me in knots.

Alyssa: Come on, Rémi, you do that too. The difference is that you look before you leap, which isn’t a bad thing. We balance each other out.

KC: What’s your partner’s worst quality?

Rémi: She always wants to play “cops and robbers”… and she *always* has to be the cop!!! Like I told her, *I’m* the one with the big gun!

Alyssa: [laughs] Yeah. But I look better in uniform.

Rémi: I concede. You do.

Alyssa: As for his worst quality, I’ll have to go with his exuberant and exhaustive love of the 80’s.

Rémi: [starts singing a medley of Vanilla Ice and Wham! songs]

KC: What do you like most about me, as the author?

Rémi: I’ll be eternally grateful for the scene by the river. [grins]

Alyssa: And I’m grateful for the one in the bathtub!

KC: Alyssa, did you ever buy that shower massage?

Alyssa: I moved in with him to get it! [laughs]


Deadly Addiction is available at the following retailers (Price: $3.99):

Amazon ebook: http://bit.ly/Mi7GH3

Amazon print: http://bit.ly/MA9tE7

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/KnfjgL

Barnes and Noble:  http://bit.ly/M0PNMI

Smashwords: http://bit.ly/JwCb8f

All Romance eBooks:  http://bit.ly/JZS5ra

Kobo: http://bit.ly/MpinIC

Diesel: http://bit.ly/JU71sS

For information and links to Kristine’s other writing, check out Deadly Obsession (http://kristinecayne.blogspot.com/p/deadly-obsession.html) and Anthologies (http://kristinecayne.blogspot.com/p/anthologies.html) on her blog.

Connect with Kristine Cayne here:

New Releases List: (http://kristinecayne.blogspot.com/p/new-releases-list.html

Blog: (http://kristinecayne.blogspot.com)

Website: (htttp://www.kristinecayne.com)

Facebook: (http://www.facebook.com/KristineCayneAuthor)

Twitter: (http://twitter.com/KristineCayne)

Goodreads: (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5428452.Kristine_Cayne)


I luuuvvv these kinds of interviews, Kristine! What a fabulous fun way to get to know these characters and get a peek into their story world. Thanks bunches for sharing with us!

Okay, RG2E Peeps…Let Christine know below if you’d like to receive an Ebook Gift Copy of Deadly Addiction, and you just might win one!!!

The Best of RG2E Ereading Wishes — D. D. Scott, RG2E Founder

31 thoughts on “RG2E Featured Author Kristine Cayne Interviews Her Characters

  1. Great post! I learning about characters of a story, especially about one that I haven’t read yet. It gets me interested in reading the story. I would love a copy for Amazon Kindle.

  2. Wonderful post. The book looks really great. If it’s anything like “Deadly Obsession” which was really great,by the way, it can’t go wrong Would love a copy from “Smashwords”.

  3. Great post.
    I really enjoy the preview into the characters.
    This sounds like my kind of read!
    I would love to read this book on my kindle.

  4. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share with us today this wonderfully fun interview. I hopped over to check out the books and also have to thank you for making book one available for only $0.99 prior to this new release. It is awesome authors like you who keep our reading bellies full and it is so appreciated 🙂

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