D. D. Scott Asks: Who Says Ebook Characters Have to be Human? How ’bout Canines, Swine and Bovines?!

TGIF, RG2E Peeps!

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As many of you know, I’m a HUGE animal-lover! In fact, not a single page of my books get written without my two BFFs – Buckley and Siggy – at my feet or on my lap.

Seriously, if I’m working in my fave chair on my laptop, these two are both trying to sit with me. LOL!

***Note: Buckley is a shelter-rescued Springer Spaniel and Siggy used to belong to my new co-author David Slegg.

Not only do I write with Buckley and Siggy close-by, but I also include a bunch of four-legged characters in my books!

In other words…

Who Says Ebook Characters Have to be Human? How ’bout Canines, Swine and Bovines?!

In Bootscootin’ Blahniks, you’ll meet three superfab canines:

Dipstick and Darling


Studley Pete

In The Cozy Cash Mysteries, we’ve got my fave new swine…a pot-bellied pig named Vinnie:

And in my latest series The Stuck with a Series, which kicks off with Book One – Stuck with a Stiff, we’ve got one heckuva bad ass bovine in Beulah:

So, there ya have it! In D. D. Scott-ville, I treat you to a bunch of quirky crazy characters, not all of which are human! πŸ™‚

For those of you new to my D. D. Scott-ville world of Romantic Comedies and Humorous Mysteries, the “First One is On Me,” which means my debut release – Bootscootin’ Blahniks – is FREE on all platforms (Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook, Sony, Kobo, iTunes, Diesel, Smashwords). That’s where you’ll get to know Dipstick and Darling and Studley Pete.

In the meantime, if there’s a D. D.Scott book that you’re dying to read but don’t have yet…let me know below, and you just might win an Ebook Gift Copy!!!

You can browse the entire collection in D. D. Scott-ville:


Nothin’ beats treatin’ readers to great books for great prices!!!

It’s Your Turn, RG2E Peeps: Tell us about some of your fave four-legged Ebook Characters…

The Best of RG2E Ereading Wishes — D. D. Scott, RG2E Founder

24 thoughts on “D. D. Scott Asks: Who Says Ebook Characters Have to be Human? How ’bout Canines, Swine and Bovines?!

    • Here’s the scoop on Madness Under the Mistletoe…that was a Christmas Anthology I was part of that is now no longer available…however, no worries…’cause the story I wrote for that HULLABALOO AND HOLLY TOO is included in CARATS AND COCONUTS. So, if you have CARATS AND COCONUTS (Cozy Cash Mystery #3), Allyson, you’ve got it! But, if you need that one, let me know, and I’ll gladly Ebook Gift you a copy!

      Cheers to you and thanks bunches for all of your D. D. Scott-ville and RG2E Luuuvvv!!!

    • Coming right up, Julie! And I’m thrilled you’re enjoying Bootscootin’ Blahniks!

      For Book Two in the Bootscootin’ Books – STOMPIN’ ON STETSONS, think Hell’s Kitchen mixed with Meet the Fockers. πŸ™‚

  1. Hah! Timely post Dee Dee. I’m a Huge animal lover, too. I’m doing a final read-through this morning on my short(ish) story, where All of the main characters are animals, and the humans just sort of exist in the background. It’s about King Giles of the Alley Rats and his cockroach friend/spy. Giles falls for a pretty mouse on Halloween night as they dodge vampires, zombies, and trick-or-treaters, and then end up in a serpentarium with loose snakes and crocodiles. It’s been great fun writing it.

    • Wavin’ atchya, my friend! If you have CARATS AND COCONUTS, the story I had in Madness Under the Mistletoe – HULLABALOO AND HOLLY TOO – is in the front of that one. Unfortunately, Madness Under the Mistletoe is no longer available. Let me know if you need CARATS AND COCONUTS…

      Also, I will be releasing HULLABALOO AND HOLLY TOO on its own this holiday season!!! πŸ™‚

    • Comin’ right up, Christy! It’s a short-short story about the fabulous Aunt Tulip!!! You’re gonna luuuvvv it!!! Perfect while you’re waiting on an appointment somewhere or in the carpool line, at the salon waiting on your color to set or mani-pedi to dry, etc…

  2. Beulah sounds like a hoot! I can’t wait to read this one. Since it’s waiting for me in the Cloud I just need the time.

    My cat, Samantha, is always trying to help me type. I’m afraid she does a better job of it some days than me! LOL She ended up as a character in my current work in progress. In real life, she’s funny, sassy and cuddly. I made her the same in the book. I love it when she talks back to me! πŸ™‚

    • LOL, Rhonda! Siggy and Buckley talk back too! Literally, if I ask them if they’d like either their breakfast or dinner, they each “talk” to me!!! It sounds like Buckley is saying “yes,” and Siggy does this cute little whimper.

      I think they would luuuvvv to hang with your sassy Samantha!!! πŸ™‚

  3. I think writing human/animal interactions is great fun and I just love Siggy and Buckley. Certain bovine troublemakers, not so much.That crazy Beulah lives up to her reputation. We had to catch her twice just yesterday because she decided she’d rather spend some time nibbling in the nearby soybean field rather than the nice green grass on her side of the fence. She keeps us on our toes.
    I’m looking forward to getting the Beulah in the story in more trouble. In a way, it’s a good thing the real Beulah is such a pain in the rear.

  4. Cute animals! There adorable! Im an animal lover too! I have five dogs. Yes, i said five. lol I have a great dane Isaiah, a pit bull Shouldn’t Off (dad named her), a shih tzu Lacross, and two chihuahuas, Smeagle and Tinker. lol And i have two kittens, Hell No and Bella. lol 4 of our pets are rescues. I love them! πŸ™‚ Id love to read your book called BUCKLES ME BABY for kindle please if your still giving them out. Thank you so much!! Your awesome! πŸ™‚ Have a fantastic weekend!

  5. Pingback: Launching a New Ebook: You Don’t Have to Reach the Moon Right Away to be Successful

  6. I love the idea of a bovine named Beulah!! I had a dachshund that always thought he could help me study. Not!! As soon as I opened a book (I was in college at the time), he’d start to bark! Sadly, he had paralysis and we had to lay him to rest, but after him we had Oscar, the fiery little chihuahua warrior. I loved the way he’d cuddle up to me while I read or worked on my laptop. He’s a little over a year gone now. How I miss him!

    OOOOOOh, I’d love a copy of Thug Guard for Kindle, please! ngowriter (at) gmail (dot) com.

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